Thursday 5 May 2011

The Arts in our Lives

The arts play many different roles in our society, bringing people and cultures together and breaking down barriers such as language through music and dance. Art communicates on a much deeper level than the written word and can challenge and encourage critical thinking for example when studying a painting or listening to a piece of music that evokes unique emotion.

The arts are also important when promoting the emotional wellbeing and social inclusion of young people particularly in years when children and teens base their social grouping on what music they like, if they are musical, if they are drawn to art  or drama and so on. It is important to realise that arts are accessible on any level whether you are listening to a CD in the comforts of your own home or dancing professionally in a large and well known theatre. 

All throughout my life i have been heavily involved in music, playing in orchestras, chamber groups, singing in choirs and generally experiencing a high level of good quality music. I will be ever grateful for this opportunity as I have been able to experience the uplifting feeling that music can give you whether listening or playing. I truly believe that music can transport you to a different place and I only wish more people in today's society could also have this opportunity . “Researching the links between melody and the mind indicates that listening to and playing music actually can alter how our brains, and therefore our bodies, function” (Chordpiano, 2010, paragraph 2). It is important to remember that music also plays an important part in community through films and functions, concerts, gigs and accompaniment to plays, theatre productions, ballet and opera.

Throughout this course I have learnt alot about art and the fact that anyone can draw, another example of the ability to be involved in art even if you are not particularly good at it or aspiring to a professional level. I found the workshops where we talked about emotion and how quickly small lines on a face can change a whole expression fascinating and something I look closely at now when looking at paintings and art forms.
It is important to realise that art has the ability to make us feel a wide range of emotions. Before the workshops we as a class had with Sandra Ewing I would never have thought that viewing a photograph or painting could make me experience two very different emotions in such a short space of time.

I have also learnt alot about Multi Sensory Storytelling through our first workshop and through this have begun to realise that Multi Sensory - place like dynamic earth, the Glasgow Science Centre, Multi Sensory centres are a majorly important part of the arts. These places would have never crossed my mind as being involved in the arts however as pointed out in this workshop 'The Arts' involves our senses - seeing, touching, hearing, tasting, smelling, as without these appreciating all the different types of arts available to us in today's society would be impossible.

Chordpiano. (2010). How Does Music Impact Our Emotions? Retrieved April 22, 2010, from

Karkou, Vicky and Glasman, Judy (2004) Arts, education and society: the role of the arts in promoting the emotional wellbeing and social inclusion of young people. Support for Learning, 19 (2). pp. 57-64

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